As the school year winds down, I'm already getting excited to decorate my suite for next year. I love to study and relax in my dorm room. It is most definitely my home away from home. I think that's why I am so inspired to make it look distinctively like me. Here is my dorm this year. I was able to reuse a lot of what I bought for last year yet the look is completely different. My roommate and I made slip covers for the pillows. (Mostly my roommate, she is definitely the brains behind that DIY.) We love to use them to lean back on or to sit on when we're studying. I love the mix of colors we have. The room "goes" without being too matchy. While we're at it, we must have a moment of silence for Petunia, our plant. We thought that she was invincible. Alas, we still managed to kill her over Christmas break. Anyways, here's to homes away from home and to enjoying whatever home we happen to be in at the moment.
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This memory jar was inspired by a post on Pinterest. It is part of my attempt to enjoy and remember every moment. The jar says "Memories" in glitter paint. It also says "Psalm 103." That part is a reminder of Psalm 103:2, "Praise the Lord, my soul and forget not all his benefits." This memory jar is very me. I'd love to see how you make a memory jar of your own. Remember the moment!
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It's cold in Nashville! This "spring" is colder than most of Nashville's winter. In light of the weather, I'd like to introduce you to my latest cold weather accessory. I found this ear muff at a store in Ohio for $5! Simply adding this to another outfit makes me feel instantly classier. People have described it as a Russian czaress. What are your favorite cold weather accessories?
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I decided to treat myself to a present this year, an iPad. I live in the boonies of Vanderbilt and carrying my laptop around got quite annoying. I have also always hated wasting so much paper in notebooks. My iPad is now my primary notebook, a sometimes textbook, and a fun creative tool. To give you a feel of what my notes look like, I wrote out a list of my favorite uses for my iPad and their corresponding applications. Feel free to comment with your favorite apps. Enjoy!
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No, I'm not currently at the Parthenon. But yes, I am in Nashville. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am here, at college and at Vanderbilt, for a reason. It's not always a walk in the park. (Very punny, I know.) Still, there are adventures to be had and people to be loved. Wherever your "here" is, enjoy being there. You are needed more than you know.
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As I look at my life this semester, a major theme has been the idea of asking. I've learned that I like to ask blunt questions (something my parents realized by a long time ago.) On ASB, I heard people's life stories. I asked direct questions. I learned a ton. That attitude of asking, and learning, has not left me since spring break. I came back from break and I listened to this TED talk about a musician who doesn't charge for her music, she asks people to pay what they like. She asks her fans for places to stay. She loves her life. And then I listened to this portion of a This American Life podcast. Starlee Kine proposes that we replace small talk with "the Rundown", conversations where you ask the questions that you actually want to know. I plan on continuing in my path of asking questions. I encourage you to start asking.
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P.S. This was the first Instagram photo I ever took! I was on a hike with my parents at Radnor.
Spring Style
In honor of the first day of spring, I wanted to share one of my favorite spring to summer looks. These are all items I either have in my closet, have something similar to, or just want! I love this look because you can throw on a blazer for cooler spring days. Once summer hits, you can swap the booties for cute sandals. The red lips keep the outfit from becoming too plain. It works for almost every occasion. Happy spring!
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When walking home tonight, the white flowers on the tree in front of the building looked so vibrant in the darkness. Naturally I had to pick one for my room. The only problem was that I didn't have a vase for such small flowers. I happened to have an extra iPad charger lying around and I liked the whole technology meets nature look. Seems like it should be a metaphor for something, doesn't it? I like the extra bit of life and color that it adds to my windowsill. If you're feeling adventurous, I'd love to see how you repurpose items for your room.
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Tonight, I went to a Local Natives concert and wanted a statement piece to add depth to my monochromatic ensemble. I chose this faux pearl necklace (also my Grandmother's.) It's classy and fun all at once. In keeping with the theme of statements, here is my favorite statement from the concert tonight. "Every night I ask myself, am I giving enough? Am I loving enough?"
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P.S. Please excuse the lower quality photo today. My camera battery and I are currently playing hide and seek.
I had to read Our Town in high school and this is the only quote that stuck with me. We had the most amazing weather yesterday. I felt more alive than I had in a while. Everything felt like a blessing and an adventure. I realized life yesterday. I'd like to realize life everyday, regardless of the weather. John 10:10 says, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." I plan on living in that truth this week (and for the rest of my life.)
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Today I wore a fairly plain outfit and needed a little something extra. I livened things up with three bangles that I found in my Grandmother's jewelry. The mix of materials and colors adds some character to my otherwise plain-Jane look. I'd love to hear how you spice up a simple outfit.
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Whimsy Bouquet
Spring has almost sprung here in Nashville. This time of year reminds me of having fresh flowers in the house when I grew up. Unfortunately, a college dorm (0r budget) is not conducive to fresh flowers every week. That's why I created my whimsical arrangement. Dried baby's breath is cheap and it lasts forever! I colored paper with different stripes and swirls. Then I added a few paper flowers to add a pop of springtime color. This mini arrangement says, "Why hello spring, I'm glad you're here." I'd love to see your own touches of spring-inspired whimsy.
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The 313
I spent my spring break in Detroit which is the last thing I thought I wanted to do. It turned out to be everything I needed and more. Detroit is this alternate reality where you see whispers of its past as one of America's greatest cities juxtaposed with more abandoned houses than I could count. At one point, I felt that I was in a post-apocalyptic city. I fell in love with Detroit despite all of its stereotypes. I met people and shared stories. I made friendships that will last. I volunteered with organizations that see all of the potential of the city. At times I felt overwhelmed with a sense of helplessness and despair. By the end, however, I felt hope for all that Detroit can and will become.
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