This is will be an honest post. I'm a feeler. I make decisions based on how I feel. That's how I chose Vanderbilt. That's how I chose AOII. It works, most of the time.
Sorry, you already saw this if you follow me on Instagram |
It doesn't work with entrepreneurship, at least not for me. What feels right in the moment isn't always what will be best in the long term. I've started and stopped a couple of businesses during my time here on Live and Move. Why? Because I move too quickly, too soon. I forget to ask for guidance from the One who orders my steps.
This week I had a revelation of sorts. It fell like the stars aligned, like I truly found my calling. Maybe I have. But after some prayer, I felt called to wait. Boy is that hard.
Friends, I'm bursting to tell you what's on my heart, but this time I'm choosing obedience. My hope is that I'll get to share it with you in the months (years?) to come. However, the God I serve is good and just might have other opinions on what I'll be doing after graduation.
This year is about balance, between planning and waiting, between wholeheartedly following dreams and doing the wise thing.
"But the noble make noble plans, and by noble deeds they stand." Isaiah 32:8
Here's to seeking the noble.
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