I'm really excited to bring you a new series on the blog. "Movers" gives me the chance to highlight people who are living and moving in extraordinary ways. Let me introduce you to Emma Grager. She's a singer-songwriter and an English major, a true creative. And as much as I love creative people, Emma's creativity is not what inspired me to write about her. I've had the honor of sharing meals with Emma and I leave every conversation challenged because of her sincerity. Most people worry about having too little. Emma worries about giving into capitalism and having too much. It can take her six months to finally buy an item that she really needs. She gives away as much money as she spends on herself. She's the embodiment of the phrase, "Live simply so that others may simply live." And her life is all the richer for it. I encourage you to check out her music. More than that, I think Emma would want you to take a moment to consider your blessings, material or otherwise, and how you can use them to bless others.
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