Getaway: Traveling Well with Yelle

Say hello to my friend Yelle from Tender Roots!

I hope Taylor is enjoying herself and her travels in South Africa! It's the trip of a lifetime - a place definitely on my list of destinations to visit someday. I travel as much as I can, especially now that I graduated college. Even while attending college, I found it so important to take advantage of the semester breaks and use them to travel. 

My favorite place that I have ever been is Paris, France. It was so inspiring that it even sparked my love for blogging. I started a blog while in Paris so that my family and friends could keep up with our travels and everything that we did. I enjoyed it so much that I obviously continue to blog to this day. Not only did Paris inspire me to continue blogging, but it inspired me to create a template for that getaway and every getaway after that. Naturally, I'm an event planner, so I am inherently organized and a template was my best travel companion.

My template is an Excel spreadsheet, but could easily be transferred to a Word document. It consists of three pages: Sightseeing, Budget, and Itinerary.

  1. The sightseeing page is where I listed all of the places that I researched beforehand and was extremely excited to visit. I listed them according to location, that way if I was in the area of one destination, I knew what was nearby so that I didn't pass it up. I also listed things like hours and tips like student discounts so that on the go, without a phone to look things up, I was prepared. 
  2. The budget page is where I kept track of my expenses. I saved up enough money to allot myself 100 euro a day to spend on food, museum admissions, souvenirs, gifts, and even drinks. Some days I spent less than 40 euro, and some I spent a little more than my budget but in the end - it was so helpful to not lose track of my spending. I even specified when I had bills coming out of my bank account so that I didn't over estimate my bank account balance. 
  3. The last page was a summary of my itinerary including important information like my flight number and passport number. I always recommend making multiple copies of your passport. I made enough for my suitcase, my purse, each of my parents houses, and if all else failed, my own home too. 

You can find the travel template here via Dropbox. I hope that you are all taking a wonderful trip soon so that you may utilize it. Even if you aren't as organized as me, this template should be easy enough to print and quickly fill out at the end of each day. Bon voyage! 

Be sure to show Yelle's blog some love!

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  1. Kristyn @ Milk + CrownJuly 17, 2013 at 8:49 PM

    Yelle, this is super helpful and awesome! I am a big planner and will definitely be using this in the future :)

  2. What a fun post! I also use a budget/itinerary spreadsheet when traveling so I'm glad to see I'm not alone in this. Creating a separate travel blog for friends and family is a pretty neat idea. Thanks for sharing Yelle!


Thanks for making my day a little brighter with your lovely words!