Musings: On Being Unworthy

As much as I'd like to be perfect, I have some glaring weaknesses, weaknesses that I know and recognize. Then came this assignment. A partner gives a survey about your leadership to friends and family, current and past coworkers. And they analyze the results for you. Let me tell you, seeing all those people see the bad you already see in yourself is rough. As a person who takes everything personally, I was a little very upset. I had a long back to my dorm to sort through my feelings. Here's what it came down to: I overvalue the opinions of others. I find my identity based on what is right or wrong about me based on my perception of others opinions. There are a million things wrong with that. My identity is in Christ and He says, "Taylor, you're unworthy but you're mine now." So I'm going to work on my weaknesses, not because I need to be better perceived, but because I know I'm loved unconditionally. Thanks, Jesus! (And thanks Emily Ley for that sweet reminder).

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Getting There: 8 Habits of Bold Women

Bold is beautiful. I had the opportunity to write this article on the 8 Habits of Bold Women for the Flairist and I found myself being really challenged. Boldness takes work, especially boldness in your faith. Give the article a read if you get the chance and tell me your own tips for living boldly.
Prom, one of my bolder fashion moments

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High Five for Friday: Otoño

Fall came in full stride these week. I'm starting to get chilly when I'm walking around at night. The sun sets extremely early. And somehow Halloween is next week?

1. FashionABLE turned three this week and they're giving 30 percent off of everything! I happen to know that my parents picked up the Tigist clutch that I wanted for my birthday. I've been in love with leather lately.

2. Vanderbilt beat Georgia last weekend which is amazing feat on its own. But the kicker (no pun intended) happened when our kicker, Carey Spear made a touchdown with a field goal fake out play!

3. I love this quote and design by Kendra at Piece of Cake Peace of Mind

4.  This song, Little Wildflower by Andrew Simple. "Just breathe and wait, my love. It's been a long, long day, so  lay your soul down."

5. In case you missed my post about Oliberté, I wanted to remind you that all of my readers get 10% off with the code: OLIFW1310. Join them in creating sustainable change in Ethiopia!

Got any weekend plans? Tell me all about them!

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Movers: Oliberté- Made in Africa

The Shasha, my feet died and went to heaven
Happy feet.

I love conscious consumerism. I love the idea that the products I buy can be part of a beautiful, empowering story. And that is exactly why I fell hard for Oliberté Shoes, the makers of the world's first fair trade footwear. Their partners in Ethiopia hand craft amazingly comfortable leather shoes and also leather goods like wallets and bags. 

What drew me most to Oliberté was the story element of their website. Every page is full of stories and it drew me in. Of course, there is the story of Oliberté. But there is also Ambassadors, which features stories of people with a passion for Africa. And Mozaqa, acoustic sessions and written interviews with up and coming musicians. Then there is Sportanya, stories about African athletes. I left the website with the distinct feeling that Oliberté was more than a do-gooder organization, they were friends inviting me into a story with them.

With quality products and such an engaging strategy, I believe Oliberté  will blossom into something beautiful. Check out their website and get lost for a while. And while you're there, enjoy 10% off of your purchase with this code: OLIFW1310.

I'd love to hear your favorite items.

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FashionABLE is one of my favorite Nashville based non-profits. The premise is pretty simple, scarves are made by women in Ethiopia and sold here in the United States. Through fashionABLE, these women find dignity and pride. In honor of their 3rd birthday, fashionABLE is giving 30% off on all their products until October 25th! 

FashionABLE is also asking you lovely ladies, "what moment or event in my job has given me the most dignity or pride?" Think about it and leave me a comment! These scarves and leather goods are giving women the same pride you feel when you get that amazing grade or outstanding evaluation. Let's be women who empower one another.

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Getting There: 3 Steps to Effective Planning

My beloved planner and pink pen
If you've read this blog for any length of time, you know that I'm a planner! I wrote this article for The Flairist about finding that elusive balance between dreaming and planning. Give it a read and enjoy your Tuesday.

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Musings: On Getting My Dream Job and Other Exciting News

Just because fall weather is here.
Hi friends! A lot has happened during the past two and a half weeks. For starters, I applied for a fellowship at my university and I got it! I'm currently getting paid to help develop the best practices for content choice for the Vanderbilt University Libraries'  new website. I have a cubicle. I get to meet all kinds of interesting people. I put my Photoshopping to good use. Basically, this job combines all my free time activities and pays me to do them! Secondly, I wrote a proposal for an business while I was in South Africa and entered it into the Dell Empowering Women Challenge. A few weeks ago, I received an email telling me that my idea made it into the semi-finals! It's called The Curabi Collective and you can read all about it here.

What this means for Live and Move is that I have a lot on my plate. I enjoy writing this blog but I don't have the time to commit to it the way I used to. I want it to be a blessing to me and not a burden. At the very least, you'll see a post from me once a week. I hope to do more than that. I'm excited to see where all these opportunities lead. Thanks for coming along for the ride.

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High Five for Friday: Fall-ish

Fall is making a slow appearance here in Nashville. It's an odd mix of warm and rainy but I'll take it.

1. I bought this dress last night for my semiformal!

2. I started my fellowship this week and I get my first cubicle. It's pretty cute if I do say so myself.

3. Here's one of the prints featured in my little nook.

4. This song is on one of my favorite fall playlists. I hope it helps you usher in a perfect fall day.

5. The government shutdown is over! If that's not a reason to celebrate, then I don't know what is.

I'd love to hear about your weeks.

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Branded: Your Personal Brand

Part of my own personal brand
Hello there! I took a brief hiatus for a lot of reasons which I'll probably write about at some time or another. I just wanted to let you know that I wrote another article for the Flairist about creating your personal brand. If you're like me, knee deep in recruiting season, this could be really beneficial for you!
Give it a look and let me know your own tips.

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Blog Action Day: The Mocha Club

Today is Blog Action Day, a chance for all us bloggers to share about causes we care about. I thought I'd write a little about The Mocha Club and why I need Africa. I've loved fashionABLE scarves since I came to Nashville and The Mocha Club is their sister organization. My friend, Kristyn, did a Purpose Project with them and I finally decided to join the fun.

The premise is really simple: Give up $9, the cost of two mochas, to create change in Africa.

This video says it  all. If you are interested, click here to join.

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High Five for Friday: Break

It is my fall break. I'm hanging out with my best friend for four days and I can't complain about a thing. He's up and walking which means we're finally able to have dates that aren't in the hospital or at his house. What a luxury!

1. After a week and a half of blessings, this pin reminded me who the glory goes to.
2. One of my dearest friends showed me this web series. It really makes you think. That's all I'm going to say because I don't want to spoil it!

3. This ombre sky on my flight home.  #nofilter

4.  This quote was the Monday quote in my planner. It's become a motto of mine.


5. This is just a good Friday song.

Tell me about your week/weekend!

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Getting There: The Trust List

There are days where it feels like everything is standing still. There are all these open ended questions and I'm left to wait for the answers. Someone this year mentioned a Trust List where I write down all the things I'm waiting for God on. Instead of feeling motionless, I rejoice in seeing God begin to answer prayers. When one is answered, I write the date next to it. It's helped me in this season of waiting and I thought it might be helpful to you. What helps you trust?


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Music Speaks: Roses

These past two weeks have been humbling in the best way possible. God is revealing his plans and his purpose for me little by little. He's providing for me, his child. In light of the start of fall break and this season of blessing, I've had "Everything's Coming Up Roses" stuck in my head. Try listening to this song and not feeling good!

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Musings: God is Funny Part Two

I never intended for this to be a two part series. Last week, I was down about waiting. Everything was just out of reach. I resolved to try to enjoy it. Not even two days after I wrote that post, the good news started to roll in. Some things I shared, like the fact that I'm studying abroad next semester. Other developments were great to hear but they still require me to wait a little bit longer. I guess I'm learning how to wait actively. In working towards the future, I'm enjoying all these sweet, present moments. It's nice. What does waiting look like for you?

High Five for Friday: Anticipation

These week's word is anticipation. I wrote a post about waiting. Within a day of writing that post, things started happening! Here are things that got me through the week.

1. These pearl earrings from Peach Tree Designs. I'm giving away another pair of earrings from this darling shop this week. You can enter here.

2. My school doesn't have a business major, so I'm learning some things myself with Coursera. It's only my first week of class and I'm curious to know other people's experiences with it. Let me know!

3. Found this print on Pinterest and was thrilled. Garamond has been my font of choice lately and the humor of the print is spot on.

4. I found out that I get to study here for four months. Since yesterday, I bought my ticket. It's really official now!

5. I instagrammed this photo from an acoustic set the Head and the Heart played on Monday. I'm thankful for friends who tell me when these kinds of things are going on!

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Big Update: Live and Move is on the Move

From my last trip to Spain

Last night a little after midnight I decided to check my email, just to see if anything happened to pop up. Surprisingly, I had an email, one that I'd been waiting for quite a while for, one that said I am approved to spend next semester in Spain....! This blog is about to go international! I need your help. Tell where you loved visiting, where you wish you would have gone, your tips, your stories.!

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Celebrate with me by entering to win triangle studs from Peach Tree Designs in my giveaway!

Music Speaks: The Mean Reds

"No. The blues are because you're getting fat and maybe it's been raining too long, you're just sad that's all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of. Do you ever get that feeling?" -Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's

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You can cure your own mean reds by entering to win the Peach Tree Designs giveaway.

Musings: God is Funny

I started yesterday with the feeling that everything was standing still. You see, I hate waiting. And right now I'm waiting to hear news or make progress on about twelve things. I'm not exaggerating. I live for the feeling of working towards tangible goals and right now God is making it very clear that it's time to wait on Him. Yesterday morning it felt a little bit sadistic. Is He finding joy in making me suffer? That is absolutely not the case. My friends let me join them in seeing an acoustic set by the Head and the Heart last night. Their new album is called Let's Be Still and when they sang that song, I felt God telling me to be still, to sip tea and do my reading for class, to be a lover and a listener. Oh, friend, we serve a good God. It took a Facebook message, a phone call, and a concert to remind me of that. But He made sure I remembered. God's funny like that.

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P.S. Enter the Peach Tree Designs giveaway here for a chance at the cutest pair of triangle studs.