The Handwritten Note

Thank you notes used to be a chore. I remember birthdays and Christmases followed by pressure from my mom to write a thank you note. I didn't get the point. I'd already said thank you, so why was a note necessary? As I got older, the debates centered less around saying thank you for gifts and more around sending handwritten thank you notes to potential employers. The idea of writing a note instead of sending an email felt antiquated.

This post is me saying, "Mom, you were right." College, a long distance relationship, interviewing, and studying abroad showed me the value of a handwritten note. These days, I think it is less about the courtesy of a formal note and more about the sentiment. A handwritten note says, "I value you, and here is something you can keep to remember that you are appreciated."

Lately, I've been enjoying putting pieces of myself into the notes I send and the gifts that I give. I can easily spend a half an hour making the card look pretty with hand lettering and watercolor before I even get around to writing the note. The whole process of preparing the note is relaxing to me, and (hopefully) encouraging to the reader. It's a win-win!

I'd like to see handwritten notes make a comeback. Here are a few ways you can incorporate them into your life:

  • Write a birthday note instead of posting on Facebook or sending a text
  • Send a handwritten note for any gift you receive
  • If you're a guest in someone else's home, place a handwritten note on your pillow when you leave
  • Give an encouraging note to a friend who is having a rough day
  • Write a letter to your beau, even if you aren't long distance
  • Send a thank you note to your interviewer. Write it as soon as the interview is over and put it in the mail the same day as the interview
  • And, my personal favorite, write a note to someone just because
The notes don't have to be pretty, just heartfelt. I challenge you to write one this week!

Share the love (and the handwritten goodness),


A Tale of Two Blogs

I broke the news a few weeks ago that I started a business, Jubilant. Ever since that post, I've been trying to figure out what to do about the blog situation. Do I merge Live and Move with the Jubilant blog? Do I stop Live and Move altogether? Do I send people from the Jubilant website to Live and Move?

The decision wasn't the easiest. But after doing a bit of research and asking advice from other entrepreneurs, I've settled on having two blogs. Live and Move will stay pretty much the same. If anything, it will become even more of a creative outlet. I'll share personal thoughts and tips and photography. Jubilant's blog will be chock full of business inspiration of the creative entrepreneur.

With two blogs, I can't guarantee that I'll be posting here every week. However, this space is here to stay. I hope you'll follow along at the Jubilant blog as well! I think Live and Move readers will be inspired by the Jubilant content.

I'm excited to have some separation between personal blogging and business blogging, though it may take a while for me to figure out a balance.

Thanks for always bearing with me!

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Au Naturel: An update

Last time I wrote about the oil cleansing method (OCM), I sang its praises. This post isn't a retraction. I am just more informed now.

Since my previous post, I've switched from using almond oil to cleanse my face twice a day to only using it at night. I made this decision for a few reasons:

First, I noticed that oil cleansing was really drying, especially in the winter. I may be open to trying it twice a day again in the summer.

Second, the OCM is perfect for removing makeup. By doing it at night, I'm dealing with my oily skin and taking off my makeup in one step.

Finally, I've observed that washing my face with almond oil at night helps to dry up some of my blemishes while I sleep.

I now use Soapbox Soaps ' bar soaps  to wash my face in the morning. Their soaps are all natural and feel great on my skin. (I'm currently using their black bar soap.) What most attracted me was their social mission. They have a one-for-one model that gives soap and clean water or vitamins to people around the world.


So that's the latest update on my natural beauty regimen. I'm starting to explore natural deodorants if you have any advice!

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