True Confessions

Here's another post for you to get to know me! These are my confessions... (did anyone else hear Usher singing that when they read it?)

1. I watch Pretty Little Liars. My roommate and I kept it from each other because we were embarrassed. It's really silly but I must know who the A team is!

2. I love country music. That's what I grew up on.  It always brings back the best memories. 

3. I didn't want to take Spanish. I wanted to take French but my school stopped accepting people into the program right before I could join. Six years later, I'm still enchanted with the Spanish language and its speakers.

4. I am not a cat person. Dogs are the way to go. Though, ironically, my first pet was a cat named Rex. His name was my first word.

5. I hate buying anything full price. There's such fun in finding a good deal!

These are just a few confessions. Maybe I'll keep this up when I come back. I hope you feel like you know me a teensy bit better now.

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