Musings: It Can Wait

I've officially been blogging for about three months now and I absolutely love it. Blogging is the perfect combination of all the things I love: photography, writing, graphic design, branding... I could go on. I thrive on the feeling that I can always improve my blog in some area. It provides an infinite challenge in the best way possible. With all the possibility and no time constraints, blogging can easily take up too much of my time. I love blogging because it gives me a medium to share my interests and I'm finding that I have to actively set boundaries. Right now, my mantra is: It can wait. (Can something still be your mantra if you fail at it almost daily?) This goes against every fiber of my multitasking, uber efficient being. However, I know it's for my best. It's just another manifestation of my age old struggle with living in the moment, of being exactly where I am. God's put me in this season because He's wants to grow me. I don't want to miss out on that. Maybe blogging isn't your vice that creeps into other parts of your life. Maybe it's a TV show or an app on your phone. I made this iPhone lock screen background as a reminder to myself. Feel free to use it as your own reminder. What is your "it can wait" weakness?

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P.S. Did you enter the summer soiree giveaway with Angelorian Tradition?

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Thanks for making my day a little brighter with your lovely words!