Musings: How South Africa Happened

Well here it is. My first post while I'm in South Africa! For the next few Mondays, I've decided to introduce myself. When I started this blog, I was mostly writing to people who knew me. Now it's grown to something bigger than that. I think it's fitting that I share with you how this whole South Africa business got started.

Truthfully, I did not want to go to South Africa. I'm a double major in Spanish and had my heart set on spending my summer serving in Central America. Early first semester, I met with the advisor for my summer stipend. I showed her the program I wanted to do. She was not impressed. She grilled me and broke me and eventually gave me a page long list of questions to ask the program. Mind you, I still had to apply to the program. It's more than a little awkward to say, "Hey, I know I haven't applied to your program yet, but can you answer this list of questions for me?"

I left the office feeling awful and called my dad. He suggested that I ask a South African family friend of ours to help set me up with a summer trip. I blew it off because I still wanted to use my Spanish. Over time, however, after phone calls and emails with the other programs, South Africa started to grow on me.

I emailed our family friend. He hooked me up with his sister almost immediately! I told her I was interested in children and social enterprise. Just like that, she started working out an itinerary for me. I originally wanted to stay all summer but it worked out for me to stay for a month. God knew what I needed. I've had great family time and I'm able to be with my boyfriend while he's in the hospital.

So, what am I doing while I'm gone? I'll spend two weeks doing after school tutoring at a church, one week staying with two college students who have an after school sports ministry, four days working with a missionary who helps people start their own small businesses, and the rest of the time is for sight seeing.

If you think of me, I'd love your prayers! I lined up tons of friends to share their own tips for enjoying a getaway. Enjoy!

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  1. I hope you will have an amazing time in South Africa. Sometimes the experiences we want aren't always the ones that we need. :)

  2. Have a great time in South Africa! I'm sure you will and will have life changing experiences. I'm sorry that you didn't get into the program you want to do in Central America, but I hope you will make it to that part of the world on day!

  3. Kristyn @ Milk + CrownJuly 16, 2013 at 6:39 AM

    what an awesome story! God was obviously leading you to South Africa for a reason :) it sounds like you will be busy but with a lot of really unique and interesting projects!

  4. you've got a great list of projects that will keep you busy! have a great trip and hopefully next summer you can go to central america!


Thanks for making my day a little brighter with your lovely words!